Title : Surya Saptmi
Date : February 15, 2024
Time : 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Venue : Backstage
Total strength : 200(approx.)
Objective : To create awareness about the Surya Namaskar in the youth.
The Department of Physical Education and University Sports Board of IIS (deemed to be University) has organized a session on Surya Namaskar on the occasion of Surya Saptmi. Mr. Megh Singh Chouhan and Ashok Vardhan from Krida Bharti delivered an enlightening session on the Surya Namaskar and its benefits on the daily life. The students of M.A./M.Sc. in Yogic Sciences demonstrated Surya Namaskar techniques.
Outcome:- The session of Surya Namaskar enlightened the students with the benefits of Surya Namaskar in our daily life.
[1] https://sports.iisuniv.ac.in/news-events/Department%20Events/surya-saptmi